But what should you do if you have limited time and you have to decide whether to visit Romania or Bulgaria? Here’s how to pick your winner in a travel game of Romania vs Bulgaria. Looking more specifically at whether to visit Bucharest or Sofia? Check out Sofia or Bucharest: Which East Balkan Capital Should You Visit? Don’t have time to read now? Pin for later! Choose Romania if… Here are four reasons to pick Romania over Bulgaria. …you love castles While we adore Bulgaria’s castles, they’re definitely less famous (and less castle-y) than the castles in Romania’s. Between Bran Castle, Corvin Castle, and Raznov Fortress, you really won’t run out of fairy tale-esque places.
Romania (ROU) and Bulgaria (BGR) Trade | OEC
Romania vs Bulgaria Head to Head - AiScore
Also, Bulgarians love to eat vegetables, while it was hard to come by a vegetable in certain parts of rural Romania (other than raw red onions cradling slivers of pig fat, of course). Beyond the local cuisine, the restaurants in Sofia are leaps and bounds ahead of the restaurant scene in Bucharest. For wine lovers, I prefer Bulgarian wines to Romanian ones, and wine tourism here is booming. …you love visiting UNESCO World Heritage Sites Both countries have UNESCO sites, but if you want to be based in Sofia or Bucharest and see a few, then you have to pick Bulgaria.
Country comparison: Bulgaria / Romania - Worlddata.info
Comparison of Bulgaria and Romania Military Strengths (2023)
Bulgaria vs Romania comparison: Cost of Living & Prices
If you have a day to explore, you should take a trip out to Buzludzha, the Communist UFO in the middle of the Central Balkan Mountains. An easy day trip from Sofia, Veliko Tarnovo, or Plovdiv, this is one of my favorite places to visit in Bulgaria. …you find pink lakes enchanting Who doesn’t love a pink lake? Bulgaria’s Lake Atanasovsko is more than just a great Sunny Beach Instagram opportunity. It’s a natural health spa! Bathing in the salty waters of the pink lake followed by covering yourself in its black healing mud and dipping yourself in the Black Sea is one of the best (free) ways to relax in the Balkans.
Bulgaria – România 2-1, într-un amical al selecționatelor U15
Romania vs. Bulgaria - Country Comparison - IndexMundi
Overall, Bulgaria is the winner with ten UNESCO sites to Romania’s eight. …you want to relax on the Black Sea Yes, you can visit the Black Sea in Romania or Bulgaria, but…it’s better in Bulgaria. We have almost four hundred kilometers of Black Sea coast on the Bulgarian Riviera, and over a third of it is made up of sandy beaches.
In Romania, you have to check out the painted monasteries in Bucovina and Horezu monastery in the southern Carpathian mountains. …winter fun It’s kind of a well-kept secret abroad, but the Balkans are an awesome place to be in winter! There are amazing Balkan ski resorts in almost every country, but Bulgaria and Romania are both truly blessed.
Form and head to head stats Romania vs Bulgaria - Sky Sports